Difference between revisions of "Galerie"

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SteinaNGgertderuijter.jpg|foto: Gert de Ruijter, Národní Galerie, 1996
SteinaNGgertderuijter.jpg|foto: Gert de Ruijter, Národní Galerie, 1996
Alfons Schilling Woody V.jpg|Alfons Schilling a Woody Vasulka, New York, 1970 (Vasulka archive)
Alfons Schilling Woody V.jpg|Alfons Schilling a Woody Vasulka, New York, 1970 (Vasulka archive)
Phosphotron1.jpg|Stephen Beck's visual synth console
Wv58.jpg|woody vašulka, FAMU?, Archiv vasulka.org
Wv58.jpg|woody vašulka, FAMU?, Archiv vasulka.org
Santafestudio.jpg|Steina a Woody, studio, Santa Fe?
Santafestudio.jpg|Steina a Woody, studio, Santa Fe?

Revision as of 11:03, 8 November 2022